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Whistleblower Tipline

Report Waste, Fraud, or Abuse at a Federal Government Agency

Whistleblowers play a vital role in helping Congress conduct its constitutionally mandated oversight responsibilities. Your disclosures can make a difference.

For public service employees, the right to communicate with Congress in your private capacity, is established in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. However, to reduce your legal risks when disclosing information and to better protect your communications, do not contact us using work resources or while you are at work. Further, consider consulting an attorney experienced in representing whistleblowers before you make a disclosure.

Do not submit classified information or other information barred from release through this form or by email.

We respect your confidentiality. You may submit a disclosure anonymously. However, if you choose to provide your contact information, we will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

This page is secure and all information will only be seen by my team unless permission is given.

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