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Science and Innovation

Rep. Beyer In Scientific American: It’s Time For Congress to Support Fusion Energy

| Posted in Opinion Pieces

Originally Published in Scientific American The existential threat of the climate emergency poses perhaps the greatest danger to human health and prosperity we have ever faced. And it carries with it a particular challenge: even with current growth in renewable energy development, a significant portion of future energy is projected to be supplied by…

Members Of Bipartisan Fusion Energy Caucus Seek Energy Department Update On Congressional Directives

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Yesterday, members of Congress’ bipartisan Fusion Energy Caucus wrote to Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm seeking updates on the Department of Energy’s progress in implementing directives from Congress to support the development of key fusion energy projects. The letter, led by Fusion Energy Caucus founder Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), was signed by Reps. Susan Wild (D-PA), Steve Cohen…

Chairman Beyer Opening Statement for Hearing on Earth Science and Climate Change Activities at NASA

| Posted in Speeches and Floor Statements

Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics is holding a hearing titled, “NASA’s Earth Science and Climate Change Activities: Current Roles and Future Opportunities.” Chairman of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Rep. Don Beyer’s (D-VA), opening statement for the record is below. Good morning and welcome to today’s…

Science Committee Members Statement on Scientific Integrity Task Force

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Today, the federal scientific integrity task force convened for the first time. The 46-person task force, comprised of members from more than two dozen government agencies, was mandated by the Biden Administration in a January memorandum, Restoring Trust in Government through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policy Making. Its mission is to review then effectiveness of agency…

NASA’s rover is on Mars. What happens next is up to Washington.

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Originally published on Politico.  NASA engineers flawlessly did their job on Thursday, safely landing a rover on the surface of Mars after a journey of 130 million miles. Now, it’s up to Congress to make sure that big plans for follow-on missions become a reality. The Perseverance rover, affectionately nicknamed “Percy,” is now in place to collect Martian dust samples that…

Committee Members Celebrate Vacating of EPA Rule to Censor Science

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On Monday, U.S. District Court Chief Judge Brian Morris for the District of Montana granted the Biden Administration’s motion to vacate the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final rule for “Strengthening Transparency in Pivotal Science Underlying Significant Regulatory Actions and Influential Scientific Information.” This decision follows Chief Judge Morris’s ruling last week that…

The Hill -- Reversing the Trump administration's numerous harmful efforts to censor science

| Posted in Opinion Pieces

Reversing the Trump administration's numerous harmful efforts to censor science Originally published in The Hill By Reps. Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR.), Paul Tonko (D-NY), and Don Beyer (D-VA.) As lawmakers and leaders on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, we rely on the scientific community to inform everything we do, from confronting public health threats caused by the…

Beyer Blasts EPA Anti-Science Rule

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Rep. Don Beyer today issued the following statement after Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced the finalization of its controversial rule restricting which science the agency can rely on when crafting regulations, which would dramatically weaken the scientific foundations of the EPA’s public health regulations:   “This rule is an abominable…

Beyer Introduces Legislation To Support Research Into Long Term Effects Of Coronavirus Infection

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Rep. Don Beyer this week introduced the COVID-19 Long Haulers Act, which would authorize and fund research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PICORI) to benefit so-called “long haulers,” people who experience long term effects of COVID-19 infections. From the beginning of the pandemic medical researchers have documented a wide…

Beyer Statement On Reported Nomination Of Katherine Tai To Serve As US Trade Representative

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Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), who serves on the House Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade, issued the following statement today on reports that President-elect Biden has chosen to nominate Ways and Means Chief Trade Counsel Katherine Tai to serve as United States Trade Representative: “Working with Katherine Tai on trade issues has been a highlight of my time on the Ways and Means…