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Opinion Pieces

My First Op-Ed

It’s been exactly 51 weeks since Congressman Jim Moran announced his retirement after 24 years. His announcement launched me, and my wife Megan, on an incredible journey beginning in January and ending Tuesday, when I swore my oath of office as Congressman for the 8th District of Virginia. But the truth is that was really only the beginning of a much bigger journey, a journey that Megan and I feel like we have been preparing for our whole lives.

Northern Virginia is one of the most intelligent, diverse, and engaged constituencies in our country. We count ourselves very lucky to live here. The chance to represent such a district in Congress is a great honor a great responsibility.

The 8th District encompasses all of Arlington, Alexandria, Falls Church, and much of Fairfax County. Of course, the city and people of Falls Church will always hold a special place in my heart. For 40 years, my family has lived and done business in Falls Church. My sister, and 91-year-old father still call the Little City home. Falls Church is also home to some of the most civically active and engaged citizens in our Commonwealth, and our Country.

Today’s edition marks the first of my weekly columns with the Falls Church News-Press, a tradition started by Congressman Jim Moran. We have seen remarkable progress in recent years in how constituents connect with their elected officials, but it is important to recognize that communication must go both ways. I will always communicate and explain the actions of the House of Representatives. In turn, I invite your response and your visits to my Congressional office.

I am very lucky to be serving just across the river from my home. This week we moved into our Capitol Hill office on the fourth floor of the Cannon House Office Building. On our first day in the office nearly 300 constituents streamed through our doors for an open house to celebrate the start of the 114th Congress. For all those of you who were not able to join us yesterday, I hope you will take a moment to visit my website at, like my new Facebook page (/RepDonBeyer) and follow me on Twitter @RepDonBeyer. And do not hesitate to contact my office at (202) 225 4376. I hope you will follow along with me as I take on my first couple of days and weeks in office.
I am so proud to act as your representative in the Congress, and so glad to have you along with me on this journey. I look forward to writing to you here, and urge you to contact me and my staff to tell us how we can help you.