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Beyer Statement On Developments In Bijan Ghaisar Shooting Case

Rep. Don Beyer issued the following statement today on reports that the attorney for an officer named as a defendant in a civil suit over the still-unexplained 2017 shooting death of Bijan Ghaisar told the judge in the case that government prosecutors suggested the case would “be resolved” within 20 days:

“For 18 months the FBI and Justice Department have shrouded their investigation of Bijan Ghaisar’s shooting in unacceptable secrecy, and today’s news is among the most deplorable examples yet. If these facts are correct, government investigators refused to share the most basic details of the incident with Bijan’s parents or to discuss the matter with Members of Congress, but then passed inside information about how and when they intend to resolve their investigation solely to the officers involved in the shooting.

“How can Bijan’s family or the people in his community possibly trust in the fair outcome of an investigation which unfolds in such a manner? A process this bad cannot help but damage citizens’ faith in their government.”