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Sens. Grassley, Warner send another letter to FBI seeking update on Bijan Ghaisar killing

Washington Post

Sen. Charles E. Grassley, who has been pushing for answers in the fatal November 2017 shooting of Bijan Ghaisar by two U.S. Park Police officers, again pressed authorities for information Tuesday. He was joined by Sen. Mark R. Warner in a letter to the FBI.

“The FBI’s slow pace and lack of transparency are weakening the trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve,” Grassley (R-Iowa) and Warner (D-Va.) wrote. The senators also sent a letter to the National Park Service, asking about use-of-force and pursuit policies, the status of the two officers and why their names were withheld for more than a year.

Warner also revealed Tuesday that he had first sent an inquiry to the FBI about the “lack of transparency from law enforcement” in the incident in January 2018, two months after the killing. He was joined by Sen. Tim Kaine and Rep. Don Beyer, both fellow Virginia Democrats, in a letter that was not previously released.

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