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Beyer Presents Congressional Badge of Bravery Award to U.S. Park Police Officer Carl Hiott, Constituent Who Saved Lives During the 2013 Navy Yard Shooting

November 30, 2016 (Washington, DC) – Rep. Don Beyer yesterday presented U.S. Park Police Officer Carl Hiott the Congressional Badge of Bravery, an award recognizing  law enforcement officers for exceptional acts of bravery in the face of great personal risk. Officer Hiott, who lives in Alexandria, was part of a team which saved the lives of workers at the Washington Navy Yard in 2013, during the shooting there which claimed the lives of twelve people.

“Officer Hiott did a tremendous service to his community and his country, and I’m thrilled to be able to recognize him for his courageous actions during the Washington Navy Yard shooting,” said Rep. Don Beyer. “He put his life at risk to protect others, and undoubtedly saved lives that day. His service represents the finest example of law enforcement, and I am so proud to present him with the Congressional Badge of Bravery.”

The presentation was made at a ceremony in Rep. Beyer’s Washington office, and attendees included Interior Secretary Sally Jewel, Jonathan Jarvis, Director of the National Park Service, and Robert Maclean, Chief of U.S. Park Police.

The Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery is presented to individuals who sustain injury or put their lives at risk to perform “an act characterized as bravery by the agency head who makes the nomination that placed the individual at risk of serious physical injury or death.”

“On September 16, 2013, a lone gunman entered the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, DC, and began killing people. The suspect entered the building with a disassembled shotgun, assembled the shotgun in a fourth-floor bathroom, and then proceeded to make his way through the building shooting civilians and staff. At one point, he shot a security officer and took his pistol. Following 911 calls, multiple agencies, including the United States Park Police and the District’s Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), began arriving and searching the building for the active shooter. 

United States Park Police Offers Carl Hiott and Andrew Wong and Metropolitan Police Officer Dorian DeSantis were among the initial responders. The officers arrived separately and were directed by an MPD official to move into the building with other officers arriving from multiple agencies. The officers were given a general description of the suspect and advised that the suspect was possibly located on the third floor 

Officers Hiott and Wong, initially operating within two separate entry teams, moved into the building and began the process of clearing office spaces and escorting civilians out of the building. Both officers’ teams moved to the third floor, where they encountered additional civilians. While the other officers escorted civilians out of the area, Officer Hiott, Officer Wong, and Metropolitan Police Officer Dorian DeSantis teamed up and continued the search.

As Officers DeSantis, Hiott, and Wong were clearing the third floor, they entered an open office space. Officer Wong remained at the entrance of this office space to provide cover, while Officers DeSantis and Hiott began clearing individual cubicles.

As Officer De Santis moved into the opening of the last cubicle; Officer Hiott, who was providing cover, observed movement within a cubicle. He then observed muzzle flashes and heard gunshots come from within the cubicle. Officer Hiott, using his patrol rifle, returned fire at the suspect. Officer DeSantis also returned fire. They then entered the cubicle, while Officer Wong moved up to the entrance of the cubicle and covered areas that had not been cleared. Fortunately, the officers were not injured. Within the cubicle, they located a suspect who fit the description of the active shooter. He was found to be incapacitated with a handgun laying at his feet. The suspect ultimately killed 12 people and injured others, including two MPD officers.

Officers Hiott, DeSantis, and Wong then cleared the remaining offices and found several more civilians, who were then escorted out of the area by Officer Wong. The action of these officers in direct response to the active shooter threat demonstrated the highest levels of professionalism and courage in the face of imminent danger.”