Press Releases
Beyer In Impeachment Debate: “The Votes I Cast Today Will Stand The Test Of Time”
December 18, 2019
Today, Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) gave floor remarks during the House of Representatives debate on articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump. Beyer argued for voting in favor of both articles, which would impeach President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. [Video] “Today, I will vote to impeach President Donald Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. I don’t hate the President, but I love my country, and I have no other choice. Voting for these articles of impeachment is the only moral course of action, the only way to honor our oath of office. I have no doubt that the votes I cast today will stand the test of time. This has nothing to do with the 2016 elections. I am so disappointed that my Republican friends approve the President’s abuses of power and solicitation of foreign interference in our elections. This is the very definition of the willful suspension of disbelief. They know in their hearts that what the President has done is deeply wrong. They know that they would vote without hesitation to impeach a Democratic president who had done these things. I remind all Americans that the President did not rebut the facts – the many, many facts – which led to these articles of impeachment today. For the sake of our democracy, our Constitution, and our country, we must do the right thing and vote to impeach President Trump.” |