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The 2021 Presidential Inauguration

Presidential inauguration ceremonies are planned by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. In past inaugural ceremonies, the JCCIC has issued hundreds of thousands of tickets through Congressional offices for attendance of the presidential inauguration.

I have just been informed, however, that the JCCIC has determined, after consulting with medical experts, to limit the 2021 presidential inauguration to a small audience of Members of Congress and their spouses, which will not allow for attendance by the general public.

This arrangement, while unfortunate and unusual, is being made in order to protect the health of our community and communities across the country during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While I understand that this news will come as a disappointment, I hope it is some consolation that these measures are for your protection.

I apologize for any inconvenience, and hope you and your family will view the ceremony and celebrate the historic inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris from the comfort and safety of your home.

Best regards,
