Press Releases
Beyer And Watson Coleman Introduce Legislation Honoring Fallen Officer Brian Sicknick
January 28, 2021
U.S. Representatives Don Beyer (D-VA) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) today introduced bipartisan legislation to honor United States Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick, who died from wounds received in the line of duty while defending the U.S. Capitol from attack on January 6th, 2021. Beyer, who represented Sicknick in the House, and Watson Coleman, who represents much of Sicknick’s family, introduced a bipartisan House Resolution honoring Sicknick’s life and sacrifice as well as a bipartisan bill to posthumously award him a Congressional Gold Medal. “Officer Brian Sicknick was a hero who lived his life in service to his country before making the ultimate sacrifice to protect the seat of American government and the people’s representatives,” said Rep. Don Beyer. “His death is a tragedy we can never resolve, but it is fitting that Congress honor his life, courage, and ideals. We will never forget Officer Sicknick, who gave his life in defense of our democracy.” “Officer Brian Sicknick dedicated himself to defending the United States and honoring the oath he took to defend our Constitution,” said Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ). “His actions along with those of his fellow officers will be remembered as a shining example of patriotic duty on an otherwise dark day in our nation’s history. While no measure we take can replace his life, Congress can and should honor him with its highest civilian award. May his life serve as an example of duty to one’s country that all Americans can celebrate.” Beyer and Watson Coleman waited to introduce their legislation until they had secured the approval and support of the Sicknick family. A copy of the resolution sponsored by Beyer and co-led by Watson Coleman is available here, and text follows below. Text of the legislation to posthumously award Sicknick a Congressional Gold Medal sponsored by Watson Coleman and co-led by Beyer is available here.
*** Honoring the life and legacy of United States Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick. Whereas the United States Capitol is the most recognizable symbol of liberty and democracy throughout the world and those who guard the Capitol guard our freedom; Whereas Brian D. Sicknick sacrificed his life to protect the lives of hundreds of staff and Members of Congress; Whereas Brian D. Sicknick was the youngest of three sons; Whereas Brian D. Sicknick graduated from high school in 1997 and joined the New Jersey Air National Guard the same year; Whereas Brian D. Sicknick was deployed overseas to Saudi Arabia in Operation Southern Watch in 1999 and to Kyrgyzstan in support of the war in Afghanistan; Whereas Brian D. Sicknick was honorably discharged in 2003; Whereas Brian D. Sicknick joined the United States Capitol Police in 2008; Whereas Brian D. Sicknick most recently served in the United States Capitol Police’s First Responder’s Unit; Whereas Brian D. Sicknick responded to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021; Whereas Brian D. Sicknick was injured while physically engaging with rioters and ultimately succumbed to his injuries on January 7, 2021; and Whereas Brian D. Sicknick was the fourth United States Capitol Police officer in history to be killed in the line of duty: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress— (1) honors the legacy of Brian D. Sicknick for his life-long commitment to service and for his selfless acts of heroism displayed on January 6, 2021, in sacrificing his life so that others might live; and (2) extends its deepest condolences and sympathy to the family of Brian D. Sicknick. |