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Egypt Human Rights Caucus Co-Chairs React To UN Human Rights Council Joint Statement On Egypt

Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA) and Tom Malinowski (D-NJ), co-chairs of Congress’ Egypt Human Rights Caucus, issued the following statement today after United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) published a report criticizing Egypt for human rights abuses, signed by 31 countries, including the United States:

“We welcome the United States joining with 30 other countries on the UNHRC joint statement on Egypt’s widespread human rights violations. These include restricting freedom of expression and the right to peaceful assembly, twisting counterterrorism laws to punish peaceful critics, taking hostage the family members of human rights advocates, and holding more than 60,000 political prisoners. The UNHRC statement is reflective of growing consensus that the abuses of Egypt’s security forces stand apart for their scale and scope. The United States, alongside the international community, must work to hold the Egyptian government accountable for the tens of thousands of victims of arbitrary detention and other abuses.”