Press Releases
Beyer Welcomes New Biden Administration Recognition And Assistance For Americans With Long Covid
July 30, 2021
COVID-19 Pandemic
July 30, 2021 (Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA), author of the bipartisan COVID-19 Long Haulers Act, this week welcomed new guidance from the Biden Administration to support the large community of Americans suffering from long COVID. “This guidance from the Biden Administration will help Americans dealing with long COVID, and also raise awareness of their condition,” said Beyer. “A truly shocking number who have gotten sick and recovered from their acute infection then subsequently experienced post-viral illness with long term effects that in some cases were worse than the original infection. Now that Congress has funded research to fill in the very large gaps about our basic science understanding of this ailment, our next move must be to help support the patient experience and improve the health care system’s recognition of and response to the long-term symptoms of COVID–19. That is what my bipartisan bill would do.” The Administration issued announcements from the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Justice, Education, and Labor sharing resources for Americans with long COVID, including accommodations and guidance clarifying rights for health and educational services and supports. It includes: