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SEEC Elects Leadership for the 118th Congress

Today, the members of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) voted on its leadership for the 118th Congress. Reps. Doris Matsui and Paul Tonko were reelected as Co-Chairs and will be joined by Rep. Mike Quigley as Co-Chair as well. Reps. Matt Cartwright and Chellie Pingree were reelected as Vice Chairs and will be joined by Reps. Don Beyer, Sean Casten, and Katie Porter also as Vice Chairs.

Rep. Gerry Connolly, who first became Co-Chair of SEEC in 2011, will serve as a Chair Emeritus for SEEC in the 118th Congress.

The 117th Congress was historic for the number of climate policy and investments that were signed into law. SEEC’s leadership is committed to building on these successes both via ensuring proper implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and other climate statutes, as well as through seeking out new legislative opportunities in the 118th Congress.

The new leadership team made the following statements:

“I am honored to continue serving as co-chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition in the 118th Congress,” said Co-Chair Doris Matsui (CA-07). “An aggressive climate agenda is no longer an ambitious goal – it is truly a necessity. That’s why SEEC is such a critical driver, helping us push the envelope and take a full-systems approach to deliver a greener, more resilient future. I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues to continue spearheading efforts to advance clean energy innovation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote environmental justice across the nation.”

“Without the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis in the 118th Congress, the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) stands ready to fight for the environment in the House of Representatives,” said Co-Chair Mike Quigley (IL-05). “I am honored to take on a new role as Co-Chair to help lead this caucus in a bold, transformative climate agenda that will ensure this planet is livable for generations to come. We have the solutions, and it’s time we turn them into actions. I am looking forward to travelling with my SEEC colleagues on my 8th Climate Change Tour later this year, and standing shoulder to shoulder with them as we fight for our planet.”

“SEEC has proven to be an invaluable tool to organize and educate House members around ambitious climate, clean energy, and environmental justice policies,” said Co-Chair Paul Tonko (NY-20). “I am honored to have been reelected to serve as co-Chair for the 118th Congress, and I am prepared to continue to use this position to fight for strong energy and environmental priorities at every opportunity.”

"I am grateful to my colleagues for giving me the opportunity to serve as Vice-Chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition in the 118th Congress," said Vice Chair Don Beyer (VA-08). “Stopping the harmful consequences of climate change is undoubtedly the existential crisis of our generation, and SEEC has been the leading coalition to ensure a more sustainable and equitable future for all Americans - from making smart investments in clean energy, to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting biodiversity, and preserving our environment for future generations. I am eager to expand upon this work with my colleagues.”

“Finding new forms and deployments of clean energy and being responsible stewards of the environment have multiple, varied positives,” said Vice Chair Matt Cartwright (PA-08). “They protect health, create jobs, grow the economy, promote tourism, increase America’s diplomatic clout, preserve the planet, and ensure our future.  This is the role and purpose of SEEC, and there is strength in numbers.  We plan on working closely together during the 118th Congress on all our shared goals.”

"Having come to Congress after nearly two decades helping companies profitably reduce emissions in the private sector, I know first-hand you can expand access to cleaner, cheaper energy, create jobs, and lower carbon emissions at the same time," said Vice Chair Sean Casten (IL-06). "I am honored to be named vice chair of the Coalition and look forward to working with my colleagues to lead Congress in tackling the climate crisis with the urgency science demands.”

“From fishermen combatting ocean acidification to farmers grappling with drought, people in our communities and across the country are already feeling the extreme impacts of climate change. Without immediate, whole-of-government action, our nation faces irreparable harm to our economy, human health, and natural resources,” said Vice Chair Chellie Pingree (ME-01). “I’m honored to once again serve on SEEC’s leadership team and advance our shared goals of reducing emissions, creating good-paying green jobs, and protecting our environment. I look forward to continuing our collective fight – whether it be through upcoming Farm Bill negotiations, the appropriations process, or other legislative solutions.” 

“Californians know the cost of climate inaction, which is one of the greatest threats to our national security,” said Vice Chair Katie Porter (CA-47). “I’ve been proud to co-lead SEEC’s Climate and National Security Task Force, which secured major defense bill victories to help reduce pollution and increase resilience. I am excited to continue this work as a Vice Chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition.”

“As a founding member, former co-Chair, and current Chair Emeritus, I am immensely proud of all the Green Dogs have accomplished over the years,” said Chair Emeritus Gerry Connolly (VA-11). “This group of Members is as dedicated as they come, and it is a privilege to work with each of them to advance our shared climate and clean energy goals. I look forward to continuing to work with our leadership, old and new, to protect and expand the historic climate progress made under President Biden and Congressional Democrats.”