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Rep. Don Beyer's FY24 Community Project Funding Requests

The House Appropriations Committee announced that they will be accepting Community Project Funding (CPF) requests from Members for Fiscal Year 2024. Each Member is limited to no more than 15 Community Project Funding requests across all subcommittees and there is no guarantee that all requested projects will be funded.

Submissions for Community Project Funding requests were due by Monday, March 20, 2023.

Please note:

  • Congressman Beyer could NOT accept CPF requests for projects outside of VA-08.
  • All projects must meet the relevant statutory and administrative criteria for funding through the grant program under which it is submitted.
  • A request submitted to Congressman Beyer does NOT guarantee the project will be selected.
  • The selection of a project does NOT guarantee it will be funded by the Appropriations Committee.

Eligible Entities & Projects

Only state and local government entities, public institutions, and non-profit entities are eligible to submit and receive CPF funding. Funding cannot be directed to for-profit entities and requests must fulfill state or local match requirements. While matching funds do not have to be in-hand prior to the request, requesting entities must have a plan to meet such requirements for the project to be viable. Additionally, each submission must be for FY2024 only and cannot include multi-year funding requests.

The Committee will only consider projects with demonstrated community support in the form of: letters from local elected officials; press articles highlighting need; support from newspaper editorial boards; mentions on State intended use plans, community development plans, or other publicly available planning documents; resolutions passed by city councils or boards; etc.

Projects will only be considered for funding if they have a federal nexus. Examples of a federal nexus are provided by the committee guidance.

Please see the list of eligible accounts, and links to their guidance below.

Please find the links to the Beyer Office forms for Community Project Funding at the bottom of the page. 


Rep. Beyer made 15 community project funding requests for FY23, all of which were fully funded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. A list of those projects is available here, with more details here

Rep. Beyer made 10 community project funding requests for FY22, all of which were fully funded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022. A list of those projects is available here, with more details here.


Projects Requested for FY24

NOTE: The projects are listed alphabetically by recipient.

Recipient: Arlington County
Amount of request: $720,000
Request explanation: Arlington Boulevard Trail South Side Improvements. The funding would be used for advance design for a multi-use trail on the south side of Arlington Boulevard between South George Mason Drive and South Glebe Road. The existing, narrow sidewalk is directly adjacent to the on/off ramp for Arlington Boulevard, with high-speed movements occurring within feet of pedestrians and bicyclists with no buffer. 
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: Arlington County
Amount of request: $1,500,000
Request explanation: Mount Vernon Trail North Improvements. The funding would be used to increase capacity by widening the paved surface to current usage standards on approximately 5 miles of the Mount Vernon Trail between Rosslyn in Arlington County and Tide Lock Park in the City of Alexandria (excluding the trail segments on Columbia Island [DC]). The funding also would support the rebuilding and widening of three trail bridges, and realignment of the S-curve at Daingerfield Island.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: Arlington County
Amount of request: $1,130,000
Request explanation: Monroe Park Playground Replacement. The existing amenities in Monroe Park are in need of replacement before these assets fail. The playground was last renovated in the year 2000. As part of the County’s Facility Lifecycle Process, this 23-year-old playground is due for renovations. The improvements to Monroe Park are anticipated to include replacement of the playground and will be designed with modern play equipment as a pre-school playground for children 2-5 years of age. The improvements will also include new retaining walls, enhanced site seating, updated landscaping, a stormwater management facility and accessible paths. All improvements will be designed in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act federal regulations for playgrounds and walkways as well as the Public Playground Safety Handbook.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: City of Alexandria
Amount of request: $2,000,000
Request explanation: On-route Electric Transit Bus Opportunity Chargers. The funding would be used to fund the construction and implementation of up to two on-route opportunity fast chargers within the City of Alexandria, which would support charging requirements of a full 100% Zero Emissions Battery Electric transit bus fleet. The chargers would be constructed in strategic locations throughout the City and the DASH bus network to help ensure that the future fleet of 100+ Zero Emissions transit buses can meet the demand of DASH’s 24/7 service, serving the community of Alexandria. 
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: City of Alexandria
Amount of request: $1,000,000
Request explanation: The Virginia Tech "Smart Mobility Lab." The funding would be used to establish Smart Mobility Lab (SML) operations and invest in initial research and technology development where gaps exist to attract and leverage industry engagement. The SML will be sustained in future years through publicly and privately sponsored research from industry and government partners. Some smart mobility technologies that may be deployed in the SML include: a data exchange system for integrating data from various systems deployed in the SML while providing security and appropriate access for research and development opportunities; smart intersection solutions that identify conflicts and improve vulnerable road users’ safety; adaptive lighting on roadways that adjust with changing weather conditions and traffic; implementation of customizable features (like real-time red light patterns changes) to accommodate traffic flow; and the analysis and creation of mobility hubs to connect multiple modes of transportation and make commuting easier. 
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: City of Alexandria
Amount of request: $670,000
Request explanation: Pilot Program for Crime and Violence Prevention. This request is for funding to support enhanced technology, including In-Car Cameras, Fixed License Plate Readers (LPRs), and Surveillance Trailers, in the City of Alexandria. This funding will assist Alexandria’s law enforcement agency in its ongoing efforts to reduce incidents of violent crime and gun violence in the Alexandria community. The Alexandria Police Department (APD) will use these funds to invest in cutting-edge technology and equipment that will significantly enhance its ability to deter, respond, investigate, and successfully prosecute violent crimes. 
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: City of Alexandria
Amount of request: $1,500,000
Request explanation: Restoration of Affordable Housing at 1022 Pendleton Street Boarding House. The Restoration of the Affordable Housing at the 1022 Pendleton Street Boarding House project will allow the City of Alexandria to work with property owners to preserve unique, affordable housing in our community while renovating a building with historic, cultural and architectural significance. The boarding house currently includes 8 housing units with deeply affordable rents, as well as shared living space and room for the restoration of retail/commercial space original to the property.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: City of Falls Church
Amount of request: $1,500,000
Request explanation: City of Falls Church Affordable Housing. This funding will be used to preserve affordability in the Virginia Village subdivision, which contains 20 buildings with 4 one-bedroom units each from the 1940s. Initially, Falls Church will repair five City owned parcels to ensure safe and efficient operation of the units. They will then seek out and acquire additional market rate affordable parcels in the Virginia Village subdivision both preserving their affordability and ensuring the buildings are operating with modern safety and environmental standards.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: City of Falls Church
Amount of request: $1,500,000
Request explanation: Hillwood Avenue and South Roosevelt Street Signal Reconstruction. The funding would be used to replace the infrastructure at an existing intersection in Falls Church. Due to the failure of the existing traffic mast arms anchor foundation bolts that have corroded and bent, at Hillwood Avenue and South Roosevelt Street, this intersection’s current traffic signals will now have to be replaced with wood poles and span wire. 
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: Doorways for Women and Families
Amount of request: $1,500,000
Request explanation: SafeStart. The funding would be used to help acquire a set of one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments that will provide shelter and longer-term housing for survivors of violence. The project will increase Arlington County’s supply of emergency housing units for low-income individuals and families that experience sudden homelessness due to domestic or sexual violence. The request is for $1,500,000 in CDBG HUD EDI funding to procure scattered site, non-congregate units of housing in Arlington County, Virginia. Funds awarded through this request will be matched 1:1 with private funding from the Arlington community.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: Fairfax County
Amount of request: $1,300,000
Request explanation: Bush Hill Elementary Safe Routes to School. The funding would be used to provide a missing link of sidewalk along Bush Hill Drive, to connect existing facilities at Ninian Avenue and along Bush Hill Drive north of Larno Drive. Completing this missing sidewalk link will improve safety and accessibility for children walking and bicycling to school from the northeast of Bush Hill Elementary School, which serves over 500 students in preschool through 6th grade. The project will provide safe bicycle/pedestrian facilities for the communities along this roadway, which is an unmarked, two-lane residential road with a posted speed limit of 25 mph and ditches located on both sides adjacent to the edge of pavement. 
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: Fairfax County
Amount of request: $1,500,000
Request explanation: Construction of an early child care center at the Original Mount Vernon High School. Funding is requested to support expanding the current footprint of construction of an early childhood center serving children from birth to age five. Additional space at the site has been identified to increase the early childhood facility. The requested funding will be used to increase the size of the program to serve an additional 86 children.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: Fairfax County
Amount of request: $1,500,000
Request explanation: Mason Neck Trail - Northern Segment. The funding would be used for the installation of a shared-use path adjacent to Gunston Road, from Julia Taft Way to the entrance to the Pohick Bay Golf Course. The project would provide a bicycle/pedestrian connection between Richmond Highway and an existing shared-use path, from the entrance to the Pohick Bay Golf Course to the entrance of the Mason Neck State Park/Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge. This project is part of a plan for the Mason Neck Trail that will ultimately run along Gunston Road from Richmond Highway to just north of the Potomac River, at the southeastern corner of the Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge, where it will tie into an existing trailhead parking area for the Great Marsh Trail. This project will also be part of the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail, which is a component of the National Trails System.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Inc.
Amount of request: $1,710,000
Request explanation: Melwood Affordable Housing Redevelopment Project. Requested funding would help transform an aging, underutilized former school into over 100 units of affordable housing in the Crystal City area of Arlington. Intentionally inclusive, this project will model best practices of inclusion for people with disabilities, setting aside 30 units for individuals with disabilities. The building will provide housing to families with a wide range of household sizes (with 1-bedroom to 3-bedroom units) and a wide range of incomes, from extremely low income to moderate income. In addition to affordable housing, the building will provide space for Melwood’s program, including job training and supportive services for disabled individuals.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here

Recipient: PathForward, Inc.
Amount of request: $1,342,704
Request explanation: Funding to Purchase Sibert House, An Apartment Property for Chronically Homeless Individuals. The purpose of this request is to purchase Sibert House, an apartment building located in Arlington, Virginia. Sibert House serves a sub-population of chronically homeless individuals with significant housing barriers such as legal issues, poor rental history and multiple evictions, significant mental health and substance use disorders, chronic health conditions and disabilities, and little to no income. These individuals have not had success with traditional housing programs and require supportive housing that includes intensive wraparound services to stay healthy and successfully housed. The services Sibert House provides mitigate eviction and prevent these individuals from relapsing into unsheltered homelessness. The people living in Sibert House are clients of PathForward’s Permanent Supportive Housing Program, a HUD-funded program that provides rental subsidies and ongoing case management support.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Here