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Beyer Opposes Defense Reauthorization

U.S. Representative Don Beyer, released the following statement today voicing his disappointment with harmful riders attached to the Fiscal Year 2015 National Defense Authorization Act:
“I appreciate the hard work of the House Armed Services Committee to reach President Obama’s budget request and lift the sequester for the Department of Defense.  Our Defense Department should receive the robust funding the President has called for; it is vital to our national security, the economic health of our country, and Northern Virginia in particular.
“But I cannot in good conscience support a bill that prohibits talented young people from enlisting in our armed services; secures the indefinite extension of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay; militarizes our border; walks back attempts to pursue nuclear disarmament; uses a defense bill to attack the Endangered Species Act; and leaves the harmful Budget Control Act in place for the rest of our federal programs,” said Rep Beyer.