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5 Questions With Don Beyer

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Arlington Magazine |  Give us a snapshot of your district. We are the second-most-educated district in the country, second only to New York’s Upper East Side in college graduates. We are one of the wealthiest and certainly the most politically sophisticated. Politics and government are in our blood. It’s our hometown business. I never have to simplify things for audiences. At…

Beyer Leads House Effort To Protect Funding For Key NASA Mission

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This week Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), a member of the House Science Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, led an appropriations request to protect funding for NASA’s Wide Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST) mission. The President’s recently-released budget recommended the elimination of the mission, even though it was identified as the top priority on the National Research Council’s most…

National Capital Region Congressional Delegation Request Full Funding for WMATA

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Today, members of the National Capital Region Congressional Delegation sent a letter to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development requesting $150 million in federal funding for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). This funding is part of a federal-state partnership between the federal government, Virginia, Maryland, and…

Beyer Presses FAA For Flight Path Modifications In Response To Requests From Citizens’ Group

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Rep. Beyer today sent a letter to Federal Aviation (FAA) Administrator Michael Huerta seeking expedited action in response to requests for flight path modifications requested by the DCA Working Group. Beyer’s support for the requests seeking changes to south flow departures were part of his longstanding attempts to reduce airplane noise in Northern Virginia communities. Beyer wrote: “I…

NoVa Congressional Delegation Pushes for Funding for Major GW Parkway Rehab Work

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ARL Now |  Federal officials think they have a good shot at winning $126 million in grant funds to make a series of badly needed repairs on a long section of the GW Parkway, and Northern Virginia’s congressional delegation is throwing its weight behind the effort. The National Park Service, which maintains the road, is currently applying for a hefty U.S.…

Beyer Appointed To Serve On House Committee On Ways And Means

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Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) announced today that he has received an appointment to the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, one of the five exclusive House committees. Ways and Means has a wide breadth of jurisdiction, including health care, trade policy and tariffs, and oversight of Medicare and Social Security. It is the House Committee directly responsible for writing tax legislation,…

Members of region’s congressional delegation urge Metro board to keep Riders' Advisory Council

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Washington Post |  Members of the Washington region’s congressional delegation are asking the Metro Board to reconsider its plan to disband the Riders' Advisory Council, the only direct rider liaison for the panel. In a letter signed by the delegation’s Democrats, the officials say killing the RAC would set Metro back and a deal a blow to transparency for an agency trying to win…

Beyer Introduces Amendment To FAA Reauthorization To Block Trump From Enriching Himself With Taxpayer Funds

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Rep. Don Beyer has introduced an amendment to H.R. 4, the FAA Reauthorization Act, which would bar the US government from spending taxpayer money to pay the Trump Organization for lodging or other services. The amendment came days after a report was issued showing that Donald Trump’s businesses had raked in millions of dollars from political groups and the federal government. “Just as we…

New Beyer Amendments To FAA Reauthorization Act Would Mitigate Aircraft Noise In Northern Virginia and National Capital Region

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Rep. Don Beyer today offered a series of amendments to H.R. 4, the FAA Reauthorization Act, designed to mitigate the effects of aircraft noise on communities in the National Capital Region. “Hundreds of my constituents have expressed to me their frustrations with the slow pace of change prompted by their input to government authorities about aircraft noise,” said Rep. Beyer. “This…

Beyer: DOD Report Fails To Provide Robust Study or Offer Sufficient Recommendations on Helicopter Noise

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Rep. Don Beyer yesterday sent a letter to the Department of Defense (DOD) expressing his dissatisfaction with the DOD’s recently-issued report on the effects of military helicopter noise in the National Capital Region. The DOD report (Summary; Full: Part I, Part II) was developed in response to Beyer’s 2016 amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, and submitted nearly a year…