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Beyer, Van Hollen Amendment Signed Into Law

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December 4, 2015 (Washington, DC) – President Barack Obama signed legislation into law today introduced by Representative Don Beyer (D-VA) and Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) to give local governments regulation authority of towing companies

Beyer Statement on NTSB Recommendations

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Congressman Don Beyer released the following statement on the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) recommendations announced today calling for direct federal safety oversight of Washington’s Metrorail system by the Federal Railroad Administration: “Metro can and should be the nation’s premier public transportation system. I am disheartened by Metro’s seeming inability to…

Beyer Backs Full Metro Funding

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Congressman Don Beyer made the following statement this morning regarding H.R. 2577, the funding bill for the Department of Transportation under consideration in the House, which would cut Metro funding by $50 million: “We saw earlier this week at Memorial Bridge what happens when Congress abdicates its responsibility to fund our nation’s infrastructure,” said Rep. Beyer.…

Beyer Hosts Press Conference at Memorial Bridge

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Congressman Don Beyer was joined by U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis, U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx, and U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell at a press conference at Arlington Memorial Bridge to highlight the neglected condition of the bridge and the critical need for Congress to act on infrastructure…

Memorial Bridge Lane Closures Demand Federal Action

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Senator Mark Warner (VA), Senator Tim Kaine (VA), Delegate Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC) and Congressman Don Beyer (VA-8) called for stronger federal infrastructure investment, citing the closure of yet a second lane on the iconic and congested Arlington Memorial Bridge as the latest evidence of federal neglect.   "There is nothing more emblematic of Congress’ failure to invest in our…

Beyer and Van Hollen Introduce Bill to Crack Down on Predatory Towing

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Congressman Don Beyer joined Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen today to introduce the State and Local Predatory Towing Enforcement Act to crack down on predatory towing practices that leave consumers with costly bills and no recourse for overcharges and unfair treatment.     “Unfair and predatory towing practices take money out of our constituents’ wallets and strain…

Beyer Questions Appropriations Bill that Would Cut Metro Funding

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U.S. Representative Don Beyer objected to the House Appropriations Committee vote today to approve the Transportation-Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD) spending bill that would cut a full third of Washington Metro Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) funding.   “We have already seen the tragic consequences of continuing to bleed the Metro system dry. Just this week we saw…