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Reps. Napolitano, Katko & Beyer Recognize September as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

This week Reps. Grace F. Napolitano (D-CA-32), John Katko (R-NY-24), and Don Beyer (D-VA-08) introduced H.Res. 1067 to recognize September as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

“September National Suicide Prevention Month is a time to educate the public on the warning signs and symptoms of mental illness, share resources and stories of resilience, and spread hope as we break the silence and stigma,” said Rep. Napolitano. “Suicide affects all of us and does not see race, gender, age, political party, or ZIP code. Our bipartisan resolution recognizes that suicide is a public health crisis, preventable, and must be a national priority. I am grateful to introduce it with Congressmen Katko and Beyer, whose leadership on the Suicide Prevention Task Force is bringing together our colleagues, experts in the field, persons with lived experience, and advocates to combat suicide and ensure life-saving services for all in need.”

“In recognition of September as National Suicide Prevention Month, I’m proud to take the lead in offering a bipartisan resolution before the House alongside Reps. Napolitano and Beyer,” said Rep. Katko. Suicide is a tragedy that has impacted countless families in Central New York and nationwide, regardless of demographics.  We must do more to eliminate the stigma associated with seeking mental healthcare, and to ensure those who are struggling are able to seek the help they need.  As co-chair of the bipartisan Mental Health Caucus, I am committed to working across the aisle to do just that.”

“We all can do more to help raise awareness of the warning signs of suicide and basic suicide prevention methods,” said Rep. Beyer. “This year National Suicide Prevention Month finds the country facing a disturbing and rapid rise in the incidence of suicide, according to CDC data. Each of us knows people who have been affected by suicide, and we have to do everything we can in our communities and as public officials to reverse this trend.”


  • Suicide is overall the 10th leading cause of death and the 2nd leading cause of death for individuals between 10 to 34.
  • One person dies by suicide every 11.7 minutes resulting in nearly 45,000 deaths a year.
  • Suicide is the only leading cause of death to increase every year for the past decade.
  • Suicide is preventable; 9 out of 10 suicide attempt survivors do not go on to die by suicide.
  • Reps. Napolitano and Katko chair the bipartisan Congressional Mental Health Caucus in Congress, where they promote access to mental health services for children and adolescents, improved mental health resources for veterans, and increased mental health coverage for all.
  • The Suicide Prevention Task Force, which was launched one year ago today, is chaired by Reps. Katko and Beyer and is part of the Congressional Mental Health Caucus.

If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
