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Members of region’s congressional delegation urge Metro board to keep Riders' Advisory Council

Washington Post

Members of the Washington region’s congressional delegation are asking the Metro Board to reconsider its plan to disband the Riders' Advisory Council, the only direct rider liaison for the panel.

In a letter signed by the delegation’s Democrats, the officials say killing the RAC would set Metro back and a deal a blow to transparency for an agency trying to win back riders. The board is scheduled to vote on the plan at its Thursday meeting.

“Eliminating the RAC would ... undermine the strides Metro has made while cutting out one of the most transparent tools the riders have to exchange ideas and experiences in a public forum with Metro,” according to a copy of the letter obtained by The Washington Post. “The RAC is not perfect but eliminating it entirely would not represent an act of good faith in maintaining a positive relationship with riders or further -- promoting new ridership."

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