Press Releases
Beyer Statement on 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid
July 30, 2015
“Nearly 191,000 Virginians go without access to affordable healthcare every year because the General Assembly refuses to expand Medicaid under ACA. The great irony is that the communities most in need are represented by some of the ACA’s biggest opponents in Richmond. The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services estimates that Medicaid expansion would save the state $600 million through 2022. This is devastating to our Commonwealth - economically and morally.”
"Fifty years ago today the United States took a courageous step to provide lifesaving healthcare to our nation’s elderly and most vulnerable. Today, Medicare and Medicaid provide health coverage to 1 in 3 Americans. The creation of Medicare and Medicaid was the single greatest health policy accomplishment in the 20th century. Fifty years later, it is time for us to make sure that equal access to health care, regardless of race, gender, or income is more than a talking point."
“The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is another step toward bridging inequality divide, yet Virginians continue to miss out. I will continue to work with Governor McAulliffe to extend Medicaid coverage to all Virginians who need it in the Commonwealth."
Today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of this historic legislative accomplishment and we must remain committed to protecting the health and well-being of millions of American families."