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Beyer Statement on Governor McAuliffe’s I-66 Proposal

Representative Don Beyer released the following statement today in reaction to Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe’s proposal to add one eastbound lane to I-66 between the Beltway and Glebe Road:

February 10, 2016 (Northern Virginia) – Representative Don Beyer released the following statement today in reaction to Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe’s proposal to add one eastbound lane to I-66 between the Beltway and Glebe Road:

"Arlington County had a longstanding agreement that I-66 would not be widened inside the Beltway.  Today’s announcement by Governor McAuliffe changes that understanding, and with no public input so far.

"My initial reaction is one of concern for northern Virginians who have worked – many of them for decades -- for an alternative approach to big highways.  But I continue to learn details of the proposal and to listen to constituents on all sides of this issue.

"Early conversations with elected officials who represent Arlington County indicate that Arlington is more open to this partial I-66 widening than in the past, and that the potential benefits from I-66 tolls will bring important transit and multi-modal benefits to the surrounding corridor.  I remain dubious about additional asphalt, and await input from my Arlington and other constituents about today’s proposal."