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Trump attacks Elijah Cummings' Baltimore district as 'far worse' than southern border

USA Today

On Saturday morning, President Donald Trump vented on Twitter about a political adversary, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., and assailed an American city, Baltimore. 

"Rep. Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous," Trump wrote. 

Trump continued by saying conditions on the border were "clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded," whereas Cummings' district was "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess." Trump did not present evidence for this claim about the district. 

Cummings, who has been a prominent Trump critic, represents part of Baltimore and its suburbs. According to census data, Cummings' district, the 7th District of Maryland, is 53% black and has an average household income of $60,929. 

Several members of Congress denounced Trump's remarks after he tweeted them. Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., called the tweets "revolting racism" and slammed Trump as a "bigot national leader." Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., said, "If a woman of color serving in Congress talked about American communities the way the President talks about Baltimore or Chicago he would tell her to 'go back' to another country."

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