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Beyer Hails Historic, Barrier-Breaking Buttigieg Nomination For Transportation Secretary

Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) today issued the following statement on President-elect Joe Biden’s reported decision to nominate Pete Buttigieg, former Mayor of South Bend, IN, to serve as Secretary of Transportation:

“Choosing Pete Buttigieg to serve as Secretary of Transportation is a brilliant and historic appointment. President-elect Joe Biden has again shown his commitment to diversity and made history with the first-ever nomination of an openly gay American to lead a Cabinet department.

“As Secretary Foxx and others have demonstrated previously, local elected leaders understand transportation from the most important perspective: that last mile to your home or business. Pete Buttigieg’s leadership and work to spark investment helped bring about a renaissance in South Bend.

“Pete has shown tremendous ingenuity and management ability throughout a career devoted to public service to his country, and will be the perfect person to lead the nation’s long overdue infrastructure renewal. His background gives confidence that he understands the needs of urban, suburban, and rural communities across the country, and he will be a champion for creating jobs and empowering workers. Pete Buttigieg is an inspiring and creative person who embodies a new generation of leader, and I am thrilled to see this nomination.”