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Letter to CDC and FAA seeking International Flight Response

Dear Director Redfield and Administrator Dickson:

Thank you for mandating that all flyers from the United Kingdom test negative before flying into the United States. However, this needs to be the case, at minimum, for all flights within and into the United States.

While I understand that this decision was made to counter a new and more transmissible SARS-COV-2 variant that originated in the United Kingdom, it is clear that the pandemic respects no borders. This variant has already been found in Ontario, Canada and because our surveillance testing is far from comprehensive, it is possibly already present in the United States.

I urge you to do the least and require negative tests for all flights within and into the United States. I would encourage you to also consider a more meaningful quarantine and post-flight test regime for international travelers like other countries are employing.


Donald S. Beyer Jr.
Member of Congress