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Bipartisan Delegation Introduces Legislation To Boost Hiring Of Military Spouses

Today, U.S. Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA), Mike Kelly (R-PA), John Carter (R-TX), and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) led a bipartisan delegation in introducing the Military Spouse Hiring Act, legislation to amend the tax code to incentivize businesses to hire military spouses. Beyer, Kelly, and Panetta serve on the House Committee on Ways and Means, which has jurisdiction over tax policy, with Kelly chairing the Tax Subcommittee. Carter chairs the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, and is co-chair of the Army Caucus.

"My mother was a military spouse, and I am keenly aware of challenges facing partners of active-duty servicemembers, who often have to relocate their families long distances," said Rep. Beyer. "Our legislation would make important changes to the tax code to overcome hurdles to employment that disproportionately affect military spouses and show military families that their service to the nation is valued.”

“America’s soldiers and military families who support them on the frontlines deserve our nation’s support.” said Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), Chairman of the Ways & Means Subcommittee on Tax.  “Unfortunately, military spouses have a higher rate of unemployment and are often underemployed due to frequent relocations and service member deployments.  Our bipartisan, bicameral legislation aims to help active-duty families get a leg up financially by encouraging local businesses to hire more military spouses in their communities.  It’s a win-win for America.”

“Military spouses do so much to support our servicemembers, but too often, they struggle to find steady jobs because of the unique challenges that face military families,” said Rep. Carter. “The Military Spouse Hiring Act is a simple, commonsense way to help—giving businesses an incentive to hire these hardworking men and women. At the end of the day, supporting military spouses means supporting military families, and that’s something we should all get behind.”

"Military spouses face high unemployment rates and career instability due to the frequent relocations required by military service," said Rep. Panetta. "The Military Spouse Hiring Act directly addresses this challenge by making military spouses eligible for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, encouraging businesses to hire them and providing these families with greater economic stability.  This bipartisan, bicameral legislation is a commonsense step to support our military families and ensure that they have some stability through economic opportunity.”

A Senate companion is being introduced by Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA), John Boozman (R-AR), and Maggie Hassan (D-NH).

According to a survey by Blue Star Families, military spouse employment is the top issue impacting active-duty families, and the top contributor to financial stress among military families. Military spouses consistently experience unemployment rates substantially higher than the national rate, and two thirds of employed active duty military spouses report underemployment. Frequent moves often stall military spouses' upward career progression and force them to find new jobs. This hurts military families and military readiness.

Today's legislation would address the issue by expanding the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program—which incentivizes employers to hire individuals who experience unique employment barriers—to include military spouses.

The Military Spouse Hiring Act is supported by: Air & Space Forces Association (AFA), Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA), Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS), Chief Warrant Officers Association of the US Coast Guard (CWOA), Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS), Fleet Reserve Association (FRA), Jewish War Veterans (JWV), Marine Corps League (MCL), Military Chaplains Association (MCA), Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN), Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), Military Spouse Advocacy network (MSAN), National Defense Committee (NDC), National Military Family Association (NMFA), National Military Spouse Network (NMSN), Non Commissioned Officers Association (NCOA), Reserve Organization of America (ROA), Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN), The American Legion (TAL), The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA), Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), United States Army Warrant Officers Association (USA WOA), Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Wounded Warrior Project (WWP)

"Military spouse unemployment continues to hover at a very troubling 21%, and expanding the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) would help bring that number down by incentivizing employers to hire our nation's military spouses," said Sue Hoppin, founder and president of the National Military Spouse Network. "Our mission is to support the efforts of spouses to secure viable careers within the military lifestyle and then help them pave the way for a successful transition post military life. This expansion would go a long way. We extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to Congressman Beyer, who has been a tireless champion of the Military Spouse Hiring Act.”

"Employing military spouses is a strategic issue with direct ties to force readiness and the retention of experienced warfighters.  And in 2025, having two household incomes is a baseline requirement.  This bill eases an employer's path to hiring from this talented pool of dedicated workers to invest in both military families and the viability of the all-volunteer force," Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly, USAF (Ret), president and CEO of the Military Officers Association of America, said. "MOAA wants to thank Sens. Kaine, Boozman, Hassan and Rounds and Reps. Beyer, Kelly, Panetta and Carter for their ongoing work to support military spouses and families.”

“Hiring a military spouse isn’t just good for a business, it’s good for America,” said Besa Pinchotti, CEO of the National Military Family Association. “Expanding the Work Opportunity tax Credit to include military spouses incentivizes businesses to employ military spouses, a highly qualified talent pool. It also supports military family financial security—ensuring our military is always ready. We’re grateful to Senators Boozman and Kaine and Representatives Kelly and Beyer for introducing this important legislation.”

The bill has a history of robust bipartisan support in both chambers. Full text of the legislation is available here, with a summary here.