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Beyer: DOD Report Fails To Provide Robust Study or Offer Sufficient Recommendations on Helicopter Noise

Rep. Don Beyer yesterday sent a letter to the Department of Defense (DOD) expressing his dissatisfaction with the DOD’s recently-issued report on the effects of military helicopter noise in the National Capital Region. The DOD report (Summary; Full: Part I, Part II) was developed in response to Beyer’s 2016 amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, and submitted nearly a year after its required due date.

Beyer wrote:

“Unfortunately, this Report failed to give anything resembling a robust study of the issue, nor does it offer any new or thoughtful recommendations for noise reduction.

“Throughout this process, I have appreciated an ongoing dialogue with Major General Howard, Commanding General of the Military District of Washington, and appreciate his responsiveness and dedication to reducing helicopter noise in the National Capital Region (NCR).

“The Report, however, was delivered to Congress nearly an entire year past its deadline, and failed to study the effects of helicopter noise as directed by Congress.”

A signed copy of Beyer’s letter is available here.