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Beyer Introduces Amendment To FAA Reauthorization To Block Trump From Enriching Himself With Taxpayer Funds

Rep. Don Beyer has introduced an amendment to H.R. 4, the FAA Reauthorization Act, which would bar the US government from spending taxpayer money to pay the Trump Organization for lodging or other services. The amendment came days after a report was issued showing that Donald Trump’s businesses had raked in millions of dollars from political groups and the federal government.

“Just as we feared, President Trump is using his office to profit directly from taxpayers,” said Rep. Beyer. “My amendment would put a stop to the direct flow of public funds into Trump’s businesses, but it is no substitute for the kind of robust congressional oversight needed to prevent this from happening, which has been sorely lacking under the Republican majority. As we continue to learn more about the culture of corruption in Trump’s cabinet, with wasteful spending by figures like Scott Pruitt, Ben Carson, Tom Price, and others, it’s clear that the bad behavior flows from Trump himself.”

The Amendment bar the use of any Treasury funds “to pay directly or reimburse subsistence or lodging expenses of a Federal employee of official in the course of official Government travel or business at any hotel or property in which the President maintains a financial interest.”

Text of the amendment can be found here.