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Beyer Statement on Shortchanging Metro Funding

U.S. Representative Don Beyer, whose 8th District in Northern Virginia is home to the Silver, Orange, Blue, and Yellow lines, released the following statement on the proposal to cut $75 million from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) funding in this year’s Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations bill. 
“This shortsighted plan will jeopardize rider safety, derail improvements to the system, and undermine WMATA’s ability to implement National Transportation Safety Board recommendations,” said Rep. Beyer.  “Metro is the public transportation system for our nation’s capital.  It shuttles thousands of federal employees to and from work every day and helps relieve congestion on our already overburdened roads.  With increasing ridership, more stops, and critical safety improvements needed, we need to invest in Metro now more than ever.”
The annual federal funding, matched by Virginia, DC, and Maryland, is part of the 10 year Capital Improvement Program intended to support infrastructure projects and preventative maintenance to enhance customer and employee safety. In exchange for funding, the federal government receives representation on WMATA's Board of Directors. Federal government employees comprise forty percent of peak Metro ridership, including Pentagon employees and others holding positions key to national security.