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Beyer Statement On Trump Rule Allowing Junk Healthcare Plans

Latest Republican attack on healthcare system comes as Virginians face huge, looming health insurance premiums increases

Rep. Don Beyer today excoriated the Trump Administration over its continuing healthcare sabotage, after the release of a new “association health plan” rule allowing for more junk plans which lack basic protections.

“Virginians are facing the potential for premium increases of over 50%, and Donald Trump is just trying to make it worse,” said Rep. Beyer. “This association health plan rule is designed to allow more businesses and self-employed workers to purchase junk insurance plans, further weakening Americans’ health care and undermining essential health benefit protections. Donald Trump and his Republican allies in Congress must stop their sabotage, which is driving up costs for working people, and allow the passage of bipartisan legislation to repair the damage.”

Virginia was one of the first states to see requests from health insurers for huge premium increases of up to 64 percent, many of which cited health care decisions by the Trump Administration as driving up costs. Rep. Beyer previously led 64 House Democrats urging the President to stop raising healthcare costs for the middle class.