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Washington Post: Proposed system would gather data about helicopter noise in the D.C. region

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Originally Published By The Washington Post Proposed system would gather data about helicopter noise in the D.C. region D.C.-area lawmakers are pushing a measure that would create a centralized system to track complaints about helicopter noise in the region similar to ones used to collect information about airplane noise.   The effort, contained in an amendment to the…

Democrats roll out details of police reform bill in Congress

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With fresh momentum for change in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd which touched off days of violence and protests around the nation, House and Senate Democrats on Monday unveiled a sweeping new police reform proposal, designed to promote more accountability for officers using unnecessary violence. "We now have over 200 co-sponsors," said Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA), the…

Trump’s Occupation Of D.C. Fuels Calls For Statehood

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The District of Columbia faced an overwhelming federal law enforcement presence this week as its residents protested police brutality against Black people. And the district could do little to stop it, thanks to politically motivated opposition to granting statehood to the majority Democratic city — with its plurality of Black residents — or giving it voting members in Congress. But…

Coronavirus stimulus: Surprise jobs report adds doubt to second round

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Once Washington absorbed Friday’s surprise jobs report showing a gain of 2.5 million jobs in May (after forecasts for 8 million jobs lost) many turned the question of how the news impacts the long awaited negotiations for an additional phase 4 stimulus deal. "We'll be asking for additional stimulus money,” President Trump said Friday morning as some speculated that a…

Lawmakers call for legislation to force federal officers to identify themselves

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Democratic lawmakers are calling for legislation forcing federal law enforcement officers in uniform to clearly identify which department they represent. The potential legislation comes amid rising concerns from Democrats after officers were seen without any identifying labels on their uniforms as they policed protests in Washington, D.C. Protests have erupted nationwide over the…

Unmarked, armed riot officers seen around D.C. won't say what agency they are from

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Armed riot officers without identifying marks or badges began manning the perimeter around the White House Wednesday morning, and now a Virginia congressman says he is working on legislation to stop it from happening again. The unmarked security forces appeared early Wednesday following a calmer night in D.C. than the city had seen in recent days. However, unlike MPD or Capitol Police…

Virginia county pulls officers from DC after Trump photo-op

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ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) — A county in northern Virginia pulled its officers out of the District of Columbia Monday night after they played a supporting role in clearing protesters from a park outside the White House so the president could walk to a church for a photo opportunity. Arlington officers joined a team of federal law enforcers using chemical agents and flash bangs to forcibly…

A key Congressman says Washington is aiming for stimulus deal: ‘by the end of the week’

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  Ben Werschkul DC Producer Yahoo Finance  Rep. Don Beyer (D., VA) is the Vice Chair of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee. He also recently self-quarantined following a positive COVID-19 test by a friend with whom he had recently dined with. On Tuesday, he came on Yahoo Finance’s “On the Move” to give an update both on Washington’s economic response to…

Beyer presses FDA, CDC leaders for daily updates on U.S. testing capacity

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Congressman Don Beyer, D-Va., is pushing FDA and CDC leaders for daily, updated information on testing capacity for each state, the district, and the territories. “It is important for public health officials and policy makers to have a full understanding of testing capacity in order to appropriately plan,” Beyer wrote in a letter Monday. “More importantly, for the United States…

Beyer Urges Administration to Let Federal Employees Telework

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While many companies have started requiring employees to work from home during the coronavirus outbreak, one really large employer is conspicuously absent from the telework trend: the federal government. The Trump administration had previously been cutting back on telework, but Rep. Don Beyer, who’s currently in self-quarantine, says enough is enough — it’s time to send federal office…