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COVID-19 Pandemic

House Democrats Introduce Legislation To Address Pandemic Health Disparities

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Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA), Terri Sewell (D-AL), Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), and Debbie Dingell (D-MI) today introduced the Addressing COVID-19 Health Disparities Act. The legislation would direct the Agency For Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to research the healthcare system’s response to COVID–19, including analyzing telehealth, supply chain, and health care delivery, and…

DOL Guidance: Trump’s Unemployment Order Requires States To Create New Administrative System From Scratch

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Five days after it was issued, President Trump’s executive order on unemployment has only succeeded in creating mass confusion for states, frustrating governors, and infuriating unemployed workers. Far from providing assistance to American families “immediately,” the order is unlikely to help anyone anytime soon. Last night the Department of Labor (DOL) issued guidance telling states how…

Beyer Introduces Pandemic Response Accountability Legislation

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Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) today introduced the Supply Chain Accountability Act, legislation that would require the Administration to explain its strategy for fixing key breakdowns in the pandemic response. Beyer serves on the House Committee on Ways and Means, which has partial jurisdiction over healthcare matters. “The United States still has one of the worst pandemic responses in the…

Trump’s Fig Leaf Executive Orders Will Not Avert Economic Disaster

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Rep. Don Beyer, the top-ranking Member of the House on Congress’ Joint Economic Committee, today issued the following statement on President Trump’s Executive Orders on the economy announced over the weekend: “Beyond the constitutional and legal issues which the President’s Executive Orders raise, they are wholly inadequate to avert the economic disaster facing millions of American…

Sherrill, Pascrell, Beyer, Schakowsky, and Waters Demand FEMA Response to Reports of Faulty PPE Sent to Nursing Homes

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Washington, DC -- Representatives Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), Bill Pascrell (NJ-09), Don Beyer (VA-08), Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), and Maxine Waters (CA-43) today led 32 of their colleagues in calling on FEMA to respond to recent reportsthat faulty masks, gowns, and gloves were sent to nursing homes. Currently, more than 40% of all COVID-19 deaths have been tied to nursing homes. The…

Beyer, Kilmer Introduce Unemployment Legislation Amid Lapse In Benefits

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U.S. Representatives Don Beyer (D-VA), Vice Chair and House leader of Congress’ Joint Economic Committee, and Derek Kilmer (D-WA), Chair of the New Democrat Coalition, today introduced the Worker Relief and Security Act. The legislation would automatically continue and provide for additional enhanced emergency unemployment benefits for the duration of the public health emergency and…

Senate Adjournment Seals Lapse In Federal Unemployment Benefits

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Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), Vice Chair and top Democrat on Congress’ Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement after Majority Leader Mitch McConnell allowed the Senate to adjourn for the week without passing an extension of enhanced federal unemployment benefits, which are set to lapse absent action from Congress by the end of this week: “Senate Republicans’ failure to act will…

Beyer Introduces COVID-19 Data Transparency Act

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Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) today introduced the COVID-19 Data Transparency Act, which would codify standards for state, tribal, and local health departments to report statistical information to the Centers For Disease Control (CDC), and require CDC to share that information with the public. The legislation came as the Trump Administration continued to meddle with federal government systems…

We May Already Be Out Of Time To Avoid Expiration Of Enhanced Federal Unemployment Benefits

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Rep. Don Beyer, the Vice Chair and top Democrat on Congress’ Joint Economic Committee, today issued the following statement on Senate Majority Leader’s announcement that the Senate would take “weeks” to pass legislation that includes an extension of expanded federal unemployment benefits: “Mitch McConnell may already have doomed the tens of millions of American workers who depend on…

July 4: Beyer Urges Northern Virginians To Stay Home

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Rep. Don Beyer, who represents the Northern Virginia suburbs of the nation’s capital in Congress, issued the following statement today on Independence Day festivities ahead of the Fourth of July holiday weekend: “This weekend Americans across our region and the country will celebrate the birth of our nation in Philadelphia 244 years ago. Washington and other cities will see fireworks,…