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Congressional Leaders Condemn White Nationalist Stephen Miller, Call for Immediate Removal From Role As White House Senior Advisor

Today, Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, introduced a resolution condemning the presence of white nationalist Stephen Miller in the White House and called for his immediate resignation from office. The resolution outlines how Miller has consistently followed and advocated for racist and white supremacist ideology in our nation. As Senior Advisor to President Donald Trump, he has pushed his vile beliefs forward through major policy changes which have sown divisiveness into our federal policy. His work in the Administration has encouraged a resurgence of racism and bigotry, creating a climate of fear, danger, and violence for communities of color and immigrants.

The resolution was cosponsored by Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Chair Judy Chu (CA-27), Congressional Black Caucus Chair Karen Bass (CA-37), Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23), Congressman Don Beyer (VA-8), and Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10). Senator Kamala Harris (CA) will introduce the companioning resolution in the United States Senate.

“It is unacceptable for the Trump Administration to knowingly install a known white nationalist and believer of white supremacist ideology in a position of power and influence over federal policy. Stephen Miller’s presence in the Trump White House has allowed him to sow hate into federal policy, grind our immigration system to a halt, and encourage the President’s own xenophobic beliefs,” said CHC Chairman Castro. “Americans, and in particular the Latino community, will never forget it was President Trump and Stephen Miller’s hateful rhetoric that helped inspire the deadly attack in El Paso where 22 individuals were killed for being Latino. When we see the families suffering at the border or being torn apart by ICE raids, we can look to Stephen Miller as the main architect of the Administration’s cruel anti-immigrant policies. He must be removed from the White House immediately to stop further damage to our country and our communities.”

“Stephen Miller is the hateful force behind the cruel and xenophobic policies that have defined the Trump administration. His white supremacist, anti-immigrant ideology has no place in our country, let alone the White House,” said Senator Harris. “I'm proud to lead this effort on behalf of immigrant families in California and throughout the country.”

“The actions of Stephen Miller and his mere presence in the White House has amplified the ideals of White nationalism and emboldened their champions. It is no surprise that our nation is experiencing a rise in hate crimes, especially anti-Semitism, under this Administration. Miller’s advisory has resulted in repressive anti-immigration policies including a discriminatory travel ban tearing families apart - the exact opposite of his family’s experience when they immigrated together from Belarus to America in 1903. If his family faced these same policies today, what would have become of Stephen Miller?” said CBC Chairwoman Bass. “We condemn the actions of Stephen Miller because Americans deserve leadership that will not allow a known White nationalist in the White House.”

“Since his earliest days in government, Stephen Miller has zealously worked to spread bigotry and xenophobia. And, as leaked e-mails show, he has been more than willing to disseminate and amplify white supremacist and neo-Nazi propaganda in service of this agenda of hate. No community of color has been spared his deliberate cruelty, including Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. If Stephen Miller had it his way, our United States immigration system would revert back to a time when Asian immigrants were completely barred from the United States,” said CAPAC Chairwoman Chu. “None of Stephen Millers’ policies have been based on security, rule of law, or even what’s best for our economy They’re based on his desire to make American White again. We saw this with his role in pushing for Trump’s cruel Muslim travel ban, his anti-immigrant proposal to gut our family reunification system, and his attempt to end visas for all Chinese students. There is no place for a white-supremacist in the White House, and it is long past time for Stephen Miller to go.”

“Stephen Miller has used his privileged White House position to choke off access to the American dream, slam the door behind him, and inflict untold cruelty and harm on people who don’t fit into his hateful, white supremacist vision for America,” said Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz. “Miller’s brutal, racist policies have no place anywhere in the government of our diverse, multicultural republic. He must be excised now.”

“Stephen Miller is a white nationalist and has no place in any Administration, especially not as a Senior Advisor to the President. He is the architect of President Trump’s racist policies, which disproportionately affect immigrant communities in Northern Virginia and across the Commonwealth,” said Congressman Beyer. “It is long past time for Stephen Miller to go.”

“Stephen Miller has trafficked the views of white supremacist hate groups that espouse a repugnant and extreme anti-immigrant agenda. These hateful views have no place in our government, much less just steps from the Oval Office. I am proud to support this resolution because we have a responsibility to call out and refuse to accept intolerance or hate anywhere within our government,” said Congressman Schneider.

The full text of the resolution can be found here.