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Beyer Presses CDC For Data Transparency On Coronavirus Vaccinations

Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) today wrote to the Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers For Disease Control (CDC), urging increased transparency and data sharing amid the national effort to distribute and administer coronavirus vaccines. His letter came amid ongoing confusion over reduced and delayed vaccine shipments to states. Beyer serves on the House Committee on Ways and Means, which has partial jurisdiction over health care.

Beyer wrote:

“Every phase of the U.S. response to the COVID-19 epidemic has reinforced the importance of publicly available data. Now that the U.S. is offering vaccines to the American public, transparency on real-time vaccine uptake is crucial. The CDC’s COVID-19 Data Tracker has been the landing spot for federal data about testing and case numbers, it should do the same in providing robust information regarding vaccine distribution and administration.

“There are already concerns about incorrect shipment information, or at the very least problematic communication about vaccine allocation numbers, and unexpected delays to long-term care facilities.  Transparent, up-to-date information shared with the public is necessary.”

The letter specifically requested that CDC provide daily, public information totaling doses distributed to and administered in each states, individuals with completed series, data disaggregated by vaccine maker as well as by gender, age, race, and ethnicity, and other key data points.

Beyer is the sponsor of legislation to ensure data transparency at the CDC during the COVID-19 pandemic. A signed copy of Beyer’s letter is available here, and text follows below.


Dear Director Redfield:

Every phase of the U.S. response to the COVID-19 epidemic has reinforced the importance of publicly available data. Now that the U.S. is offering vaccines to the American public, transparency on real-time vaccine uptake is crucial. The CDC’s COVID-19 Data Tracker has been the landing spot for federal data about testing and case numbers, it should do the same in providing robust information regarding vaccine distribution and administration.

I ask that you provide daily information on the:

  1. Doses distributed to each state
  2. Doses administered in each state
  3. Individuals with a completed series by state
  4. Data disaggregated by vaccine manufacturer, gender, age, race and ethnicity
  5. Data disaggregated by Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices tier and qualifying category
  6. Percent of America vaccinated, and percent needed for successful vaccine campaign

There are already concerns about incorrect shipment information, or at the very least problematic communication about vaccine allocation numbers, and unexpected delays to long-term care facilities.[i] Transparent, up-to-date information shared with the public is necessary.

In addition, Congress must have primary source information about vaccine allocations, including access to Tiberius or comparable platforms. Because the federal government controls the amount of vaccines allocated to states, to pharmacies, as well as to the Indian Health Service, certain federal employees and other federal entities, we cannot understand the full picture of uptake of vaccinations in our congressional districts without full access to this information. I respectfully request that you ensure congressional access to Tiberius or similar vaccine allocation tracking platforms and provide daily updates to congressional staff on vaccine allocations to our respective states.


[i] Chappell, Bill. (2020, December 18). Pfizer Says Millions Of Vaccine Doses Are Ready, But States Say Shipments Were Cut. NPR.; Knutson, Jacob. (2020, December 19). General apologizes for ‘miscommunication’ over vaccine shipments. Axios.; Ellis, Ralph. (2020, December 14). Reports: Nursing Home Vaccinations May Be Delayed. WebMD.; Weise, Elizabeth and Tom Mooney. (2020, December 15). US nursing homes, confused by initial COVID-19 vaccine rollout, will begin immunizations next week, CDC says. USA TODAY.; Newberg, Emma. (2020, December 20). U.S. slashed vaccine numbers for several states due to confusion over FDA requirement. CNBC.