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Community Project Funding Requests

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Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro announced that the House Committee on Appropriations will be accepting Community Project Funding (CPF) requests from Members. This is in addition to the standard programmatic and language-based requests. Each Member is limited to no more than 10 Community Project Funding requests across all subcommittees for Fiscal Year 2022 and there is no guarantee that all…

Rep. Beyer's Member-Designated Transportation Projects

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The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) plans to advance surface transportation authorization legislation later this spring, building on H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, from the 116th Congress. Chairman Peter DeFazio announced that the T&I Committee will formally accept requests for projects from House Members. The T&I Committee process for…

Resources for Startups

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Tags: Economy

What the Department of Commerce Can Do For Your Startup Congressman Don Beyer, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Bruce Andrews, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Matt S. Erskine, visited 1776 this afternoon for a roundtable and walkthrough at the incubator and venture fund’s recently opened Crystal City location. Beyer, Deputy Secretary Andrews, and…

Information for Federal Employees

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It is shocking to hear that our dedicated public servants had their personal financial information exposed in a breach of the Office of Personnel Management. Our federal workforce keeps the country running; their personal information should be treated with the utmost importance and security. We must and we will do better, and I will work closely with OPM and others to ensure that…

Amendment to HR 1806

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Rep. Mark DeSaulnier​ and I introduced an amendment to HR 1806, which tried to keep "the reduction of greenhouse gasses" as one of the many goals of ARPA-E research. Somehow House Republicans interpereted this as limiting the range of possible research. Nonsense. But, we lost, 232 to 190.  Thanks to Eddie Bernice Johnson​ for supporting this amendment. 

Protect the Gray Wolf!

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I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about something that over 2,000 of my constituents have written to me about: the possible de-listing of the Gray Wolf from the Endangered Species Act.

May 12th Small Business Procurement Conference

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please join us for a Small Business Procurement Conference  Hosted by Congressman Don Beyer In Collaboration with George Mason University’s Procurement Technical Assistance Program from May 12, 2013 8:00 am to May 14, 2013 12:30 pm at George Mason University's Arlington Campus Founder’s Hall 3351 Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA This year’s conference will provide…